Country: UK
Notable Album: Fly Away
If you know me at all, you will probably know about this band, or at least heard me mention them once or twice. I found this Fandangle album in December 2008, and it absolutely blew me away. Less Than Jake's GNV FLA had come out in late June of the same year, and although they continue to be my absolute favourite band, I definitely listen to this album way more than I have ever listened to GNV FLA! Full of ska and horn-infused pop-punk tracks, Fly Away is easily one of my favourite albums of all time. Of course, and this seems to be a trend in my posts, Fandangle is not actually a band anymore - however, most of the members are still together in another ska-pop-punk band called New Riot, with their debut album Riot.Sleep.Repeat due out on March 11!
So, like I said, I found this album in December of 2008 (same year as its release), and almost right away it became my favourite album of that year. There is only one track out of the full 15 that I outright don't like, and even then I can listen to it without much complaint. Aside from that, the only real problem I have with the album is the opening track, "Once Over." I feel as though it doesn't actually do the rest of the album justice - it's a full-out pop-punk track without horns, but the majority of the other tracks are ridiculously good ska-punk songs! I have no complaint with the song itself, just don't base the rest of the album on it. Overall, Fly Away is absolutely stellar. The guitars are loud and clear, even in the ska sections, the bass walks everywhere and it sounds amazing, the keys cut through every once in a while for a fun refreshment, the drums are not complicated but they suit each track as well as they can, and the horns... oh the horns... Trumpet, sax, and trombone blast through each song with unbelievable power and each horn line is just as catchy as the rest of the music around it. in addition to all of this, each member of the band is a vocalist, so all of a sudden there's a Bad Religion-esque chorus of people singing vocal chords above the rest of the music! Unreal, absolutely unreal.
I'm having trouble writing this as I listen to the album. I keep getting distracted and singing along or tapping my hands or feet - and I've written way more than I planned already so I'm going to post my favourites below here for you to take a listen to. "I'm High" is my absolute favourite, but the others are worth the listen - and this album is definitely worth the money to buy if you can find it!
And if you can find the song "S.I.C." from their Suburban Nights EP, check it out too!
EDIT** S.I.C. is on their MySpace playlist - if you enjoyed the other tracks, you will LOVE this song too!
Pick up the album here if you like what you hear - you won't be disappointed!
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