Country: UK
Notable Album: Civil Disobedients
Favourite Song: "Cousin Cleotis"
So things are very insane at the moment, so this post is going to be pretty short - but don't think that the band is any less important!
Capdown is a defunct ska-core band from Milton Keynes, UK. They have 3 full releases, but my favourite is their debut, Civil Disobedients, from 2000. This album has a lot more ska-punk than newer releases, which is why it stands out for me. Their music is very original, straying from traditional 3 or 4 chord punk progressions towards something closer to full-chord scales. I don't really know how to explain it, other than it's SUPER GOOD and you should check them out! Their lead singer, Jake, not only has a unique and powerful voice to go along with their political messages - he is also a saxophone master, and my favourite track, along with most of the others, feature his unique style of playing.
"Cousin Cleotis" is one of the coolest ska-punk songs I have ever heard. The sax is featured, doing some crazy chromatic scale stuff and although I can't even understand what they're saying, it's so catchy I've never gotten bored of it! It's a very tough song to describe, and I won't be able to do it justice, so check out the song here to see for yourself!
If you like what you hear, feel free to buy their albums here, and stay tuned for for a DAN-D post for tomorrow!
Oh wordplay...
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